
Spider veins

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About Spider veins

Spider veins are common in the face, mainly due to the weak stratum corneum of the face, which causes the capillaries to easily perceive changes in the external environment, resulting in facial phenomena caused by telangiectasia. In severe cases, depositional stains will be formed, which are difficult to cure, which not only affects the beauty of the appearance, but also casts a shadow on the psychology and brings great inconvenience to normal life.

For spider veins, our commonly used treatment equipment is IPL treatment equipment or 980nm semiconductor laser. Both of them can easily seal the superficial capillaries and improve the symptoms of spider veins. The IPL machine uses 590-1200nm strong pulsed light, and is matched with high energy to do a stamping operation on the skin, so as to achieve the effect of removing spider vein. After the treatment, the spider vein will withdraw until the epidermis slowly scabs and fades away. The principle of 980 laser to remove  spider veins lies in the theory of selective photothermolysis. The main target chromophore of 980nm laser is oxyhemoglobin existing in cells. The chromophore is the basic substance that absorbs laser energy. Set the appropriate pulse width and energy according to different thermal relaxation times, then the spider veins will be damaged without harming the surrounding tissue.


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Spider veins

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